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In collaboration with Professor Carlos Meriles at CCNY and Professors Alex Pines and Ashok Ajoy at Berkeley, we design and implement schemes to generate and control nuclear spin information in semiconducting materials. Our goal is to further the fundamental understanding of electron-nuclear interactions in semiconductors and deliver true control of the nuclear spin bath to those that seek to build quantum devices and/or high sensitivity NMR and MRI. One surprising outcome: We are developing, together with our colleague Dr. Ben Gilbert at LBNL, NMR sensors that probe the rhizosphere, the space between roots and rocks. We are also embarking on an exploration of “triplet-DNP,” a moniker given to the use of molecular excited states (in our case the linkers in MOFs) to create electron angular momentum, then transfer that momentum to MOF nuclei or solvents imbibed within them. 


The video below is the first 6 minutes from a tutorial lecture Professor Reimer gave at a 2018 conference. 

©2020 The Reimer Group

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